Автор: Sebastian Wilgosz
Название: [Udemy] Ruby on Rails REST API The Complete Guide
You should have basic Ruby on Rails experience
Build an API application that you can use EVERYWHERE and hook up ANYTHING into it!
SUPER productive videos with a total focus on what is important!
CODE SNIPPETS for each coding lesson!
Comprehensive resources and articles!
Learn Test Driven Development like a PRO
Get familiar with best Practices for API development!
In this course, you’ll know how to create professional API application in Ruby on Rails with TDD!
You probably heard about a popular trend to create web applications with a split API and frontend parts. Having a pure API application allows you to hook up ANY frontend you will ever wish.
Knowledge about creating pure API applications is necessary for modern microservice architectures for REALLY BIG projects!
What Will You Build?
All of my courses are ‘learn-by-doing’: I’ll create a real-life application and you can follow each step to make similar one for yourself. In this course we’ll build one complete API application, that can work as a link-log, similar to RubyFlow project. We’ll do all this using Test Driven Development, the way the best developers in the world develop their applications every day.
This mega app will include the full set of features, including everything from authentication to managing comments. You’ll learn how to create an app that allows multiple users to log in, publicize articles and list them as a newsfeed. It’s my goal to ensure you understand each feature we build into this app so you can apply them to your own personal or professional projects in the future.
I can always help in case of any troubles so if you’ll encounter some, just write through one of our communication channels.
Here is what we’ll learn:
Basic/Intermediate API
Create modern Ruby on Rails API applications with the best practices.
Create backend for a LinkLog application, similar to RubyFlow.
Authenticate users using their logins and encrypted passwords!
Authorize your applications using Social Media as leverage to get registered users!
Register new users!
Integrate application with Github using oAuth!
Write microservices that you can hook up anything into!
You will be able to get a job on those professions: Ruby on Rails developer, backend developer!
Find and Kill any bugs in your Rails applications
Test application responses in a very convenient way
Write REAL applications that actually works
Deploy application so it will be publicly available
Work with database relationships and manage related objects
Master CRUD ( create, read, update, destroy ) with REST API
Serialize responses using the most popular format
Professional API topics
Be an expert with TDD (Test Driven Development)
Authorize requests and manage access
Write automatic tests like the best developers do every single day
Advanced API Error Handling!
Continue and improve your skills even after the course ends using our communication channels and external resources!
I’ve built the course that I would have wanted to take when I was learning to build RESTful API for my applications. A course that explains the concepts and how they’re implemented in the best order for you to learn and understand them.
I know your time is expensive, so I prepared really compressed videos, including only what’s important!
Who this course is for:
This course is for any web developer that want to create modern web applications using API and frontend split apart.
It’s perfect for a junior Ruby developer who want to learn creating modern API applications.
It’s also a choice of intermediate developer that want to be even better.
3.01 Gb
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