
[Alex Kyriakidis, Kostas Maniatis, и Evan You] The majesty of Vue.js 2 (2017)

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Авторы: Alex Kyriakidis, Kostas Maniatis, и Evan You
Книга: The majesty of Vue.js 2
Язык: Английский
Дата выпуска: 20.07.2017

Эта книга – обновлённая версия книги The Majesty of Vue.js, которая была продана в виде 700.000 копий, и считается одной из лучших книг по фрэймворку Vue.js. Эта книга была обновлена, чтобы учитывать изменения в Vue.js 2.
Эта книга была сделана для всех тех, кто интересуется в изучении Vue.js. Книга будет полезна как новичкам, так и не новым разработчикам, которые хотят улучшить свои познания в Vue.js.

Спойлер: Содержание

About Vue.js
Vue.js Overview
What people say about Vue.js
Comparison with Other Frameworks
Angular 1
Angular 2

About the Book
Who is this Book for
Get In Touch
Sample Code

I Vue.js Fundamentals
1. Install Vue.js
1.1 Standalone Version
1.1.1 Download from vuejs.org
1.1.2 Include from CDN

1.2 Download using NPM
1.3 Download using Bower

2. Getting Started
2.1 Hello World
2.2 Two-way Binding
2.3 Comparison with jQuery.
2.4 Homework

3. A Flavor of Directives.
3.1 v-show
3.2 v-if
3.2.1 Template v-if

3.3 v-else
3.4 v-if vs. v-show
3.5 Homework

4. List Rendering
4.1 Install & Use Bootstrap
4.2 v-for
4.2.1 Range v-for

4.3 Array Rendering
4.3.1 Loop Through an Array
4.3.2 Loop Through an Array of Objects

4.4 Object v-for
4.5 Homework

5. Interactivity
5.1 Event Handling
5.1.1 Handling Events Inline
5.1.2 Handling Events using Methods
5.1.3 Shorthand for v-on

5.2 Event Modifiers
5.3 Key Modifiers
5.4 Computed Properties
5.5 Homework

6. Filters
6.1 Filtered Results
6.1.1 Using Computed Properties

6.2 Ordered Results
6.3 Custom Filters
6.4 Utility Libraries
6.5 Homework

7. Components
7.1 What are Components?
7.2 Using Components
7.3 Templates
7.4 Properties
7.5 Reusability
7.6 Altogether
7.7 Homework

8. Custom Events
8.1 Emit and Listen
8.1.1 Lifecycle Hooks

8.2 Parent-Child Communication
8.3 Passing Arguments
8.4 Non Parent-Child Communication
8.5 Removing Event Listeners
8.6 Back to stories
8.7 Homework

9. Class and Style Bindings
9.1 Class binding
9.1.1 Object Syntax
9.1.2 Array Syntax

9.2 Style binding
9.2.1 Object Syntax
9.2.2 Array Syntax

9.3 Bindings in Action
9.4 Homework

II Consuming an API
10. Preface
10.1 CRUD
10.2 API
10.2.1 Download Book’s Code
10.2.2 API Endpoints

11. Working with real data
11.1 Get Data Asynchronous
11.2 Refactoring
11.3 Update Data
11.4 Delete Data

12. HTTP Clients
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Vue-resource
12.3 Axios
12.4 Integrating axios
12.5 Enhancing Functionality
12.5.1 Edit Stories
12.5.2 Create New Stories
12.5.3 Store & Update Unit

12.6 JavaScript File
12.7 Source Code
12.8 Homework
12.8.1 Preface
12.8.2 API Endpoints
12.8.3 Your Code

13. Pagination
13.1 Implementation
13.2 Pagination Links
13.3 Homework

III Building Large-Scale Applications
14. ECMAScript 6
14.1 Introduction
14.1.1 Compatibility

14.2 Variable Declarations
14.2.1 Let Declarations
14.2.2 Constant Declarations

14.3 Arrow Functions
14.4 Modules
14.5 Classes
14.6 Default Parameter Values
14.7 Template literals

15. Advanced Workflow
15.1 Compiling ES6 with Babel
15.1.1 Installation
15.1.2 Configuration
15.1.3 Build alias
15.1.4 Usage
15.1.5 Homework

15.2 Workflow Automation with Gulp
15.2.1 Task Runners
15.2.2 Installation
15.2.3 Usage
15.2.4 Watch
15.2.5 Homework

15.3 Module Bundling with Webpack
15.3.1 Module Bundlers
15.3.2 Webpack
15.3.3 Installation
15.3.4 Usage
15.3.5 Automation

15.4 Summary

16. Working with Single File Components
16.1 The vue-cli
16.1.1 Vue’s Templates
16.1.2 Installation
16.1.3 Usage

16.2 Webpack Template
16.2.1 Project Structure
16.2.2 index.html
16.2.3 Hello.vue
16.2.4 App.vue
16.2.5 main.js

16.3 Forming .vue Files
16.3.1 Nested Components

17. Eliminating Duplicate State
17.1 Sharing with Properties
17.2 Global Store

18. Swapping Components
18.1 Dynamic Components
18.1.1 The is special attribute
18.1.2 Navigation

19. Vue Router
19.1 Installation
19.2 Usage
19.3 Named Routes
19.4 History mode
19.5 Nested routes
19.6 Auto-CSS active class
19.6.1 Custom Active Class

19.7 Route Object
19.8 Dynamic Segments
19.9 Route Alias
19.10 Programmatic Navigation
19.11 Transitions
19.11.1 Introduction
19.11.2 Usage
19.11.3 3rd-party CSS animations

19.12 Navigation Guards
19.13 Homework

20. Closing Thoughts
21. Further Learning
21.1 Tutorials
21.2 Videos
21.3 Books
21.4 Open source projects
21.5 Awesome Vue


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